February 08, 2012

A New Fashion Statement...

Sunny, the 12 year old greyhound has decided to make a new fashion statement out of her muzzle.  She has taken to wearing it as a necklace instead of covering her needle nose.  Sunny says this new style is much more beneficial for her favorite activity - snacking on yard cookies when she is on Turnout.

Little does she know, but this is not a new look for greyhounds.  Especially greyhounds who live at our house.  Mr. Fritz, the original boy child and greyhound muzzle designer, discovered this look years ago.  He could get the muzzle off in less than 2 seconds, and was usually seen sporting the necklace look while the rest of the clan was muzzled in the appropriate (normal) manner.  He was the reason that we added muzzle keepers to the muzzles sported by our greyhounds.  When worn properly, the muzzle keeper actually makes it impossible to get the muzzle off over the ears.  In Sunny's case, hers is not on securely enough (she DOES have a muzzle keeper on as well).  The muzzle keeper is tight enough, but the strap to the muzzle itself is loose, making it far easier for her to get the edge of the strap over the ear and off the face. 

How do I know this?  The greys were all on a Turnout, and I was employed bringing them back in.  Everybody except Fritz and Sunny came in.  I called them, and here came Fritz - from the couch.  He had missed the turnout call, and out he went.  I called Sunny, and no Sunny came - from in the house or out.  Fritz finished his business and trotted back in, and still no Sunny.  So I went looking for her.  Sure enough, she was out there, enjoying a nibble or 20 on all the yard coolies she could find.  I called and called and she employed that famous greyhound trait of selective hearing.  I finally had to go down in the yard and drag her bony butt back in the house.  When she realized mommy was in the backyard WITH her, and not happy about it (I was barefoot, and it's near freezing here in Missouri this time of year), boy did she decide to move it! I was not aware that senior greyhounds who can't walk steadily can still sprint like a 2 year old when necessary. 

The moral of this story?  Make sure the muzzle is affixed tightly enough even on senior greyhounds as they can and will take every opportunity they can to take it off otherwise...  Also, Sunny may be 12, but if she keeps this up, only one of us (her or I) will live to see her 13th birthday...  At this point, my bet is on Sunny.

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