Well, the Administrative Law Judge has made his decision in my disability case, and it's called "Partially Favorable." I got the notification of the ruling, and have been able to determine from the written decision that he considers me to have been Disabled as of March 1, 2011. I guess that's something. Now we just have to wait for the Social Security Administration to determine whether or not they are going to award me any Supplemental Security Income so that we can manage to keep this roof over our heads for the foreseeable future.
Legalese is very confusing at best, but being an individual with a moderate education and an interest in reading such convoluted material such as legal briefs and legislature, I probably am able to understand a tad more than the average Joe. It's not my brain that is disabled, but my body.
That being said, and having waded thru the lengthy decision to see exactly what has been said, I find the decision very disparaging and rather degrading in it's tone. While he does agree that I do have marked difficulties, he also makes statements about my financial inability to pay for the treatments that would back up my medical claims. To wit: he states that while I have repeatedly stated that we cannot afford any sort of special testing and/or treatments, we also have greyhounds and we can afford to feed them, such that if the pain/medical issues were really bad enough, we COULD afford said treatments.
SAY WHAT??? What am I supposed to do? Not feed my dogs so that I can have medical treatment? What the heck, suppose that these were human children instead of animal children, would I also have to not feed them in order to afford medical treatment? I DON'T Think so!!!!!!
I should think that would be morally reprehensible, as well as highly illegal. Besides, it might cost us maybe $100.00 dollars a month to feed our dogs, while there is not a test for ANY of the things I have that is less than that, and MANY of the treatments/medications necessary far exceed that monthly amount. What planet is this guy from? This really ticks me off. My greyhounds are my children, especially since one of my long standing ailments has rendered me unable to bear children of my own, whether naturally or medically assisted (other than cloning and having someone else carry the ensuing child). Not to mention that having and rearing children is not something that I am suited to, nor am I in favor of passing on the known genetic factors that have predisposed me to ongoing health issues, including mental health issues. These greyhounds are also important in my continued existence... if it were not for them, I would have long ago found a way to end my existence just to prevent my being a further burden to family and friends. It sucks having to care for someone else, and it costs time and money as well, and I am certain that, other than the emotional stress that such an action on my part would cause to my family and loved ones, that they would all be better off without the burden I bring them. I won't do that however tempted I might be, because that would be just what the government and the so-called 'Moral Majority' appear to want and expect me to do, and I won't let them win that easily. I have never been a quitter, and I won't start being one now.
That said, life must go on. Hopefully, the SSA will see fit to allow me to collect the Supplemental Security Income that being disabled (and having WORKED for a sufficient number of quarters to qualify for) entitles me to collect. We are currently living below the poverty level for one individual, and being as there are 2 of us trying to exist on that level of income, we should qualify financially. That doesn't mean we will - just that we should. I have long ago given up the notion that the US government gives a damn about anyone who falls below the top 10% of the income in this country. In the meantime, just knowing that I am considered legally disabled is a positive thing. The stress of having to try to prove that I am Disabled is now gone, even if the struggle to survive while being disabled has just begun. I have always chosen to look at the glass as half full rather than half empty. At least this is no longer hanging over my head.
One further note... Going thru this has polarized my political views of life here in these United States. I will admit to being a dyed in the wool Democrat now, and view the Republican Party as it now exists as an abomination and the moral equivalent of the Nazi Party under Hitler. We don't need Neo-Nazis in this country when we have Republicans who are not interested in helping anyone other than themselves and those other individuals who make up the top 10% of the economic status of this country. Obama is MY President of CHOICE, and I will CHOOSE to vote for him again in 2012. If I had my way, not only would the social health reforms he has tried to initiate take immediate effect, but we would also repeal any and all laws that allow the Legislature of this country to earn an income from the act of representing the American People. There was a very legitimate reason why the Founding Fathers did not provide an income for the legislature in the US Constitution, and evidence for that can be seen in the astounding level of greed and corruption that can be seen in Today's political machine... It they were required to support themselves by a means other than legislative office, several factors that lead to such widespread corruption and greed would not exist - they would serve a single term as was intended and not stay in power long enough to gain the immense control that is seen today and which has led to the current state of corruption and ineptitude that now exists. The People would be once again represented by The People instead of by political machines.
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